Local Marketing Tactics
The MarketingBOOST 8 Step System for Local Marketing
Imagine Your business growing systematically and on autopilot by, driving and implementing the MarketingBOOST™ 8 step marketing programme. The 8 step marketing system systematically grows a business three ways.
- It increases the number of prospective client
- it increases the conversion rate of prospective customers to paying customers
- and increases the value of each customers.

Most businesses have only one or two of these strategies supporting the owner and staff at any one time. Some businesses sadly...don't have a single one implemented. Once we have carried out your MarketingBOOST™ snapshot and growth analysis you will be guaranteed a minimum of 25% growth of gross turnover and we will start implementing the first four of these steps below.
The Eight Step MarketingBOOST™ is outlined below. Each of these steps have up to a hundred different tactics which are applied in a systematic way
Step 1 - Discovering your Unique Value Proposition.
Ask yourself this question, "Why would someone want to choose to do business with me instead of my competitors?" Your answer is the first part of your UVP. Many businesses fail to carefully define "who they are" in the business world, and simply continue selling their product or service until the money runs out. You will work intensively with BOOST to define what that UVP is. Most of the time business owners like you are surprised what comes out at this stage, however this step done comprehensively is the bedrock and foundation of the following seven steps Check out our presentation on USP – what it is, why its so important and what isn’t a unique value proposition – click here
Step 2 - Integrate that U.S.P. into your entire business.
Everyone, everything, and all messages have to live and breathe the UVP that is developed. Each “Moment of Truth” must reinforce and communicate that UVP. This step ensures that staff, marketing messages, marketing collateral to the way the phone is answered are all communicating your UVP If this step is not carried out comprehensively it will kill sales conversions...and decrease potential and future sales.
Step 3 - Database Marketing Programme
How often do you follow up with your customers that have bought from you? What about those potential clients that have not bought from you yet? Is there structure? Back end sales to current customers? Do you have a marketing system for generating referral business and additional sales? Do you have a simple automation processes in place to ensure communications are happening systematically and automatically to Customers who haven’t yet purchased Current Customers Past Customers
These are crucial to growth in a business. Lacking in this area will mean that your business will constantly have to source new customers to make money in your business...and that process is getting more and more expensive as we continue.
Database marketing Present Customers – past customers – prospects. The next step is possibly the step which can leverage all your efforts to date by rapidly growing sales by 20% 50%150% or more...
Step 4 - Strategic Marketing Alliances.
Working together with other businesses serving the same clients that have access to databases, suppliers and networks that you don’t is probably one of the biggest "boosts” to growing a business. One of the main resources is a large customer list, or list of targeted customers. Your business will increase profits quickly using this strategy systematically. Then reason being that this step helps you dive into someone else's list or customers and they carried all the expense. This step actually adds to your bottom line which is what really counts!
After the first four steps and once we have increased your turnover as agreed we will update the MarketingBOOST™ snapshot and growth analysis for each of the steps below guaranteeing a turnover increase at every stage
Step 5 – Tweaking your Advertising
Traditionally, many business owners have confused advertising and marketing believing because they are advertising they are marketing. This is not true! Advertising is certainly an important part of the marketing process, but its only a part of the process. The MarketingBOOST™ system will amplify and optimize your advertising to increase sales. Sales you can see and track. Most businesses going through this stage reduce cost per client, increase effectiveness and can see what works and what doesn’t. Our main objective here will be reduce the amount you are spending on paid advertising
Step 6 – Newsjacking, PR, community and effective low/no cost sponsorship
Can you create a news story that involves your business or related topic? Anytime you can deliver news to the media, whether it be radio, t.v., blog, onlines sources or the newspapers...and it is worthy, you score PR value for your business.
The key here is not to directly promote your business in any way, or your press release will end up in the trash –we have the steps, resources and networks in the right places to do this The MarketingBOOST™ System will show you how to educate and teach the community, your customers and your prospects all about your products and services.
The more people understand why they should do business with you, the more they will reward you with their business. This step sees the greatest results for the smallest investment
Step 7 - Direct Marketing.
Here is where it gets pretty good...you can add multiple income streams and / or simply generate business directly using this step. This step requires a real step change in identifying other revenue besides what you already offer? Can we offer packages, upscale services, “lite” services? Where are the other hidden revenue streams in your company? The added guarantee at this step is that we find one new revenue stream, growing and earning its own income on top of a minimum increase in turnover Direct Marketing is using a media form such as postcards, letters, or internet to generate a direct response to your business.
This step requires a master in the art of compelling proposition (Based on your unique value proposition) so that your customer is persuaded to say "YES" to your offer. We are experts in forming compelling offers through the right channels and you get us to implement multiple campaigns all while automating these in your business so you can start your campaign at the punch of a button
Step 8 - Internet Marketing, and the business' website.
We are in the 21st century, so any business that fails to develop at the very least a "lead - generating" website will lose out on a very lucrative opportunity to make money. Anything you can do off-line...you can do online...so the opportunity here lies in increasing all three ways of growing your business...on the web. BOOST will make sure your web site is making the phone ring, email orders increasing and people are knocking at your door. This is done by implementing the first seven steps along with “content marketing” to add value to all visitors to your online sites and Social media channels.
Putting it all together!
When you get all these eight STEPS systemised, working properly and Automated watch the bottom line grow.
Now, you might have heard of some of these eight steps. You even might have had some success and probably some failures trying to execute a couple of these ideas all while spending more money you're not quite sure was worth it. However, I am very sure you have NEVER had anyone present you with 3 ways to grow your business in all 8 key areas, systemise them and then GUARANTEE the results!
The best part is that you can decide to invest in as many or few projects as you like.
Invest in, and have us execute, only one of the pillars we uncover in your MarketingBOOST™ snapshot and growth analysis for now, test it, and invest in more later.
You are not "married" to us in any way. Invest in these steps one at a time, or all together, the choice is yours. If I agree to implement the first four steps in your business.
MarketingBOOST™ Guarantee "We Don't Stop Working For You Until You Succeed" If you invest in, and hire us to execute the "core four" steps identified from the Marketing Opportunity Analysis in your business...and you do not gain an additional agreed increase in annual gross sales minimum... We'll keep working for you, for no additional investment, until you do gain the agreed annual increase that we promised.
For you, this is the strongest, most protective and most reassuring guarantee in the entire small business marketing industry, - full stop.
You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and everything to gain. With the above guarantee the risk is 100% mine - not yours.
Uncover MarketingBOOST™ Assets In Your Business Today! . Take Action NOW and apply for a comprehensive MarketingBOOST™ snapshot and growth analysis Report to identify which pillars you need to implement in your business.
Your MarketingBOOST™ snapshot growth Report Includes Comprehensive Inteview and Busines analysis Report on the five quick wins you can carry out today Recommendation on the first four steps, along with a written guarantee of the turnover increase we will achieve in your business (25% plus) Fair enough? Click now to pay and book you interview.
Purchase your MarketingBOOST snaphot today or contact us below